Week Of Prayer (Day 7) - Praise and Thanksgiving




Welcome to this, the last day of our week of prayer. Thank you for being here and joining in God’s good work to bless young people and young adults in Somerset. He hears and answers our prayers.
Please see below for suggestions that may help you pray:

DAy 7: Praise and Thanksgiving

We are privileged to join together to praise God for who He is and to thank Him for the many blessings He gives to us. 


This beautiful poem can help us focus our praise and thanksgiving to God: Colossians 1:15-22

You might like to read or listen to the words again, pausing to let your imagination range, as you meditate on the character and works of Jesus.

Song For The Day!

This might be a day when you dance as you offer praise and thanksgiving to God..

Or not!

Action Prayer

How About?

We have 2 possible action suggestions to offer you today:

  1. Send us a message to prayer@wearemovement.net to let us know anything you feel God might have shown you this week as you have prayed

  2. Encourage a young person you know with a message of affirmation or blessing. Maybe let them know you have thanked God for them today.

As you finish, you might like to post on your social account a photo of the place where you have been praying/something your eye has been drawn to, or maybe something you have drawn or written as you pray. Tag us using #MOVWOP

If you have any pictures, words or visions for Movement or any of the team please get in contact by emailing prayer@wearemovement.net

Movement Team