Week Of Prayer (Day 6) - As Chosen this Week



DAY 6 - Saturday


Welcome, or welcome back, to Movement’s 24/7 prayer week. We are encouraged that God is with us, He is listening to our requests, and speaking to us too. 

DAy 6: Rooted in Jesus, Filled with His Spirit

We are uniting today to ask God to help young people to be rooted in Jesus, and to fill them with His Spirit


Today we focus on Ephesians 3.14-21 - Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Song For The Day!

Action Prayer

If you can, dig up a weed. As you consider at its roots, imagine yourself anchored in Jesus as the plant was in the soil, and drawing life and nourishment from Him.

And/or: Look at a tree, or a plant, and imagine the roots going down into the soil and keeping it strong. Or draw one (we would love to see your drawing).
Tag us using #MOVWOP

If you have any pictures, words or visions for Movement or any of the team please get in contact by emailing prayer@wearemovement.net

Movement Team