Movement is committed to safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely.
We try to do all we can to ensure that Movement events, gatherings and personnel are ‘safe’ – we believe that the safety and welfare of those who attend our gatherings is paramount and we try to take all necessary steps to do this well.
Movement is a ministry of St Johns Church that is a part of The St. J's Group with Wellow Benefice,
in the Diocese of Bath & Wells that follows the national legal and procedural framework for safeguarding children and adults who may be at risk of harm, together with the national Church of England policies.
For more information and to view the Benefice’s Parish Policies and Procedures please click the link below.
Please do contact us if you have any safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding OfficeR for Movement
Rob Bubyer is the Benefice Safeguarding Officer and can be contacted by emailing Tel: 07973 972018.
Bath And WElls Safeguarding
We also work with the Diocese of Bath and Wells Safeguarding team
who can be contacted in the following ways
Diocesan Safeguarding Manager: Ben Goodhind; Tel: 01749 588917; email: or