SOTW - July

Fighting For My Heart - KXC, Rich & Lydia Dicas

This song made Song Of The Week 6th July.

Psalm 23:6 (MSG) “Your beauty and love chase after me, every day of my life. I’m back home in the house of God, for the rest of my life.”

This song is about God’s pursuit for our hearts and how we cannot outrun or ever get away from God’s love for us. Whatever season we find our hearts in, God always wants us to be close to Him, this is the beauty of his Father’s nature - to love us unconditionally, to fight for us always, to battle for the surrender of our hearts!

More Than Words - Nashville Life Music

This song made Song Of The Week 13th July.

Psalm 95:6 (ESV) “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”

This song is full of adoration and praise for God. The lyrics talk about the amazement that God’s love is to us. Our God wipes away our past, walks beside us in our present season and walks with us into the future that He has written out. This is something that God wants us to be joyful about and share others, our praise should be genuine to God, it should be something that excites our spirits!

A Thousand More - Thrive Worship

This song made Song Of The Week 20th July.

Psalm 71:22 (TPT) “My loving God, the harp in my heart will praise you. Your faithful heart toward us will be the theme of my song. Melodies and music will rise to you, the Holy One of Israel.”

The lyrics in this song bring our attention to amazing abilities that our God has; “Who can tell the sun to rise, who can show the dawn its place…” “Who can heal the hardest heart, who can hear the softest prayer…”. Our God, who created each and every one of us, is the designer of the world we live in and everything in it. When we start to realise this, the biggest thank you we can give to God is to worship Him and come to Him in adoration! It states in John 4 that our commandment is to worship in spirit and in truth; and when we do this, God is pleased with our worship because He can see that we are genuinely thankful to Him!

Right Now (Closer) - Dion Davis

This song made Song Of The Week 27th July.

1 John 4:16 (NIV) And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

This song is about God meeting us where we are at in our lives. We shouldn’t feel like we have to be in a certain place to be able to connect with Him, or to be worthy of his love and protection. God always wants to be with us, and when there is a moment in our day or in our lives where he has the opportunity to grow closer to us and to show us who He really is, He is going to take that opportunity.