SOTW - May

Prophesy - Influence Music, Melody Noel

This song made Song Of The Week 4th May.

Acts 2:17 (NLT) “In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”

The writers wrote this song to be sung through the power that God has given us to prophesy and to speak life into situations, putting this into action so we can see positive change in what we are praying about or into. Especially the lines “I’m gonna tell these bones to live, get up, get up. I’m gonna tell these lungs to sing, speak to every sickness, call out every lie…”.  They didn’t know the power of the lyrics until they released this song into the church and it became an anthem for times of trouble or torment.

I Trust You - Jonathan Traylor

This song made Song Of The Week 11th May.

Romans 8:31 (TPT) “So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?”

This song is primarily based on the concept of faith and knowing that God is for us. It is about learning to constantly take steps in our faith to make it stronger, so even when we can’t see what God is doing or if what surrounds us seems like it is consuming us, we can have the strength of faith and we can trust in God’s promise that He has everything under control. As it says in Romans 8, we can have this faith because we know that God will always be for us, meaning that we don’t need to worry about what may stand against us.

Fearless - Jesus Culture, Kim Walker-Smith

This song made Song Of The Week 18th May.

1 John 4:18 (NLT) “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”

This song, by well known Christian band Jesus Culture, calls us with God’s command to live fearless lives. God’s mercies are new every morning so any worries that we may have from day to day we can cast into the hands of Jesus and head into the coming days with the confidence that we are protected and that we have a strength beyond our knowing beside us. “Boldly I run into Your presence, Faith like a child, known and protected.”

My Offering - ORU Worship

This song made Song Of The Week 25th May.

1 Chronicles 16:29 (NLT) “Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his presence. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor.”

God has brought us all that we have on this earth, He has chosen us to be His children. The one thing we can give back to Him is our praise to Him. As we worship God and give our praises to Him, God gives love back to us. This is the true definition of an all loving father! “My worship is my offering…”.

Movement Team